Day is Done * verhaalt op intieme en confronterende wijze het laatste routineuze levensjaar van een man die twee jaar niet is buiten geweest. De jonge regisseur Guido Hendrikx leerde Peter kennen via zijn bijbaan bij Actief Thuiszorg. Tijdens hun eerste ontmoeting zag hij het, door Peter geschreven, boodschappenlijstje: zes zware shag ‘special made’, drie treetjes bier, een ham, een kaas. Hendrikx bleef in contact met Peter en hoewel onervaren in het filmvak voelde hij de drang om dit verhaal van deze bijzondere man te vertellen. De film beleefde zijn première op IDFA. Voor meer informatie bezoek onze Engelse website of de website van DAY IS DONE*
DAY IS DONE * documentaire trailer
DAY IS DONE * achtergrond
van de regisseur
Sisyphus (een mythologisch figuur) was gedoemd een zwaar rotsblok een steile berg op te duwen om deze vervolgens weer naar beneden te zien rollen. Tot in de eeuwigheid. Albert Camus voerde Sisyphus als ‘de absurde mens’ ten tonele in zijn essay De mythe van Sisyphus. Voor mij vertolkt ‘de absurde mens’ de routine van het leven.
Peter Oud was mijns inziens, naarmate ik hem beter leerde kennen, de belichaming van Sisyphus. Het huis dat hij nooit verliet, de absurde hoeveelheid alcohol en shag die hij er in korte tijd doorheen joeg, de televisie die de gehele dag aan stond, hoe hij de voordeur telkens openmaakte, de humoristische verhalen die hij bleef herhalen: elk bezoek leek een exacte kopie van het vorige. Een absurde routine die tot in de eeuwigheid leek te duren.
Camus eindigt zijn essay met de zin: “We moeten ons voorstellen dat Sisyphus gelukkig is”. Ik stelde mij die vraag en probeerde de dialoog met Peter aan te gaan, maar kon niet tot hem doordringen. Toch had ik het gevoel dat hij, liggend in bed, een shaggie rokend en met een pilsje in zijn hand, niet ongelukkig was. Ik heb geprobeerd Peters leven op een zo realistisch en intiem mogelijke wijze weer te geven. Moeten we ons voorstellen dat Sisyphus gelukkig is?
Dat oordeel is aan de kijker.
een NEWTON film in coproductie met Guido Henrikx
30 minuten, November 2010
Regie, camera & montage
Guido Hendrikx
(post-) productie, advies & montage
Ton van Zantvoort
Jacko Oudesluijs
Guido Hendrikx
Martijn van Geffen
met speciale dank aan:
Peter Oud
Martijn van Geffen
familie Oud
Elise de Groot
en iedereen die de film heeft mogelijk gemaakt
financiële ondersteuning
Gemeente Eindhoven
ISAN 0000-0003-DFF7-0000-X-0000-0000-C
DAY IS DONE * credits
DAY IS DONE * vertoningen
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Film details Original title: DAY IS DONE * Original language: Dutch Subtitled language: English Homepage: Running time: 30 minutes Date of completion: November 2010 Date/ place of first screening: November 2010/ Amsterdam World Premiere: IDFA 2010 Competition Dutch Documentary Country of Filming: The Netherlands Country of Origin: The Netherlands website: / http://dayisdone.newtonfilm.nlTechnical information Preview copy: DVD PAL, region 0, 30 minutesExhibition format: Digibeta PAL, 16:9 (anamorphic), 1.66, English sub, color, 31 min, Dolby Digital stereo |
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LoglineDay is Done * is an intimate and confronting documentary film about the extraordinary daily routine of a man who hasn’t been outdoors for two years. Short synopsis While working a summer job as a domestic helper, the young filmmaker Guido Hendrikx becomes fascinated by Peter Oud, who hasn’t been outside for two years. Peter always gives him the same shopping list: “Six packs of strong rolling tobacco, 72 cans of beer, one ham, one cheese.” In his directorial debut, Hendrikx offers up an extremely personal, in-your-face portrait of Peter as his life slowly slips away. Peter agreed to be filmed in the most uncomfortable situations, which viewed in hindsight would be his last signs of life. Peter Oud died in February 2010.Short synopsis (alternate)Day is Done * is an intimate and confronting documentary film about the extraordinary daily routine of a man who hasn’t been outdoors for two years. The young director got to know Peter Oud through his side line job at Home- care, where he saw an impressive shopping list when they first met: six packages of strong rolling tobacco, 72 cans of beer, one ham, one cheese. In an extremely personal way we experience how Peters’ life is slowly slipping away. Peter died in 2010.Synopsis (long)While working a summer job as a domestic helper, the young filmmaker Guido Hendrikx becomes fascinated by Peter Oud, who hasn’t been outside for two years. Peter always gives him the same shopping list: “Six packs of strong rolling tobacco, 72 cans of beer, one ham, one cheese.” In his directorial debut, Hendrikx offers up an extremely personal, in-your-face portrait of Peter as his life slowly slips away. In Peter, Hendrikx saw a Sisyphus-like figure, such as the one Albert Camus describes in his essay “The Myth of Sisyphus.” Camus concludes with the statement, “One must imagine Sisyphus happy,” for “The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart.” Is the man who puts away enormous quantities of alcohol, always opens the door with the same greeting and always tells the same old jokes perhaps not as miserable as he seems? Peter agreed to be filmed in the most uncomfortable situations, which viewed in hindsight would be his last signs of life. At one point, he tells Hendrikx that “It would be nice to know people could see that there are people living a life like me.” Peter Oud died in February 2010. |
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DAY IS DONE *a NEWTON film by Guido Henrikx |
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‘One must imagine Sisyphus happy’Sisyphus – a mythological character – was doomed to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, repeating this throughout eternity. The gods who condemned Sisyphus had thought there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.The better I got to know Peter, the more I started to see Sisyphus. The house he never left, the typical grocery list, the absurd amount of alcohol and tobacco he consumed, the television he never switched off, the funny way he opened the front door every visit, the humorous stories he kept repeating: every visit seemed an exact copy of the previous one.In his essay Sisyphus Myth Albert Camus describes Sisyphus as the personification of the absurdity of human life. Are the workmen of today, fulfilling the same tasks one day after the other, less absurd then Sisyphus? In my interpretation Sisyphus embodies the routine of life.Camus ends his essay with the sentence ‘One must imagine Sisyphus happy’. Because, according to Camus, ‘the struggle of Sisyphus itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart’. Is Sisyphus unhappy at the moments of struggling, walking up the hill, if at every step the hope of succeeding upheld him? Or lays the tragic in his way back, walking down to his rock, being conscious of his fate?Do we have to imagine Sisyphus happy? It’s to you to judge. | |||||||||||||||||
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About NEWTON film NEWTON film produces independent creative documentary films with a social, economical or cultural perspective. NEWTON film ‘s have been selected and awarded on the world ‘s biggest documentary and film festivals. Films have been co produced with or broadcasted by the Dutch VPRO, Al Jazeera and TV3. The company is founded in 2005 by Ton van Zantvoort, who is the director of awarded films as GRITO de PIEDRA and ‘a BLOOMING BUSINESS’.About the Director:Guido Hendrikx (1987) is an upcoming talented Dutch filmmaker. Day is Done * is his documentary directing debut, inspired by philosopher Albert Camus and shot between 2008 and 2010. After his secondary education, a two-months lasting study of medicines and a period of traveling and working abroad, Hendrikx went to Utrecht University in 2007. There he studied Liberal Arts & Sciences, mainly following courses on film, media, journalism and philosophy. During these years his interest in filmmaking grew, enrolling at the Amsterdam Film Academy in September 2010. Hendrikx is honored to have the world premiere of Day is Done * at IDFA 2010.Guido Hendrikx, 04-12-1987, EindhovenEducation: 2010 – present NFTA – Amsterdam School of Arts 2007 – 2010 Liberal Arts & Sciences – Utrecht University 2006 – 2006 Medicines – Leiden UniversityFilmography: Day is Done * (’30, 2010 World Premiere at IDFA 2010) Sense 393 ( ‘8, 2008, screened at International Amsterdam Film Festival) |
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